History and Structure of Governance
Chapter III of Puerto Rico General Law 17 of 2019 established the Green Energy Trust as an independent nonprofit organization. The subsequent Deed of the Trust outlines the Board of Trustees’s membership and leadership. According to the Deed, the Board’s Chair is the Secretary of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico or their designee.
In accordance with the Deed of the Trust, the remaining six Trustees were initially appointed by Governor Pedro Pierluisi on September 30, 2021, to staggered terms: two members for three-year terms, two members for four-year terms, and two members for five-year terms. All successor trustees, except the Chair, are to be nominated and elected by the Board of Trustees by majority vote. Successor terms are for five years.
Current Trustees and Terms:
Jorge Camacho, PE, founding Board of Trustee member, re-appointed by the Trustees to serve a full five-year term expiring on September 29, 2029
Sergio Carrillo, appointed by the Board of Trustees to serve until September 29, 2026
Juan Carlos Díaz Galarza appointed to a four-year term expiring on September 29, 2025
Doira Díaz Rivera, Esq., founding Board of Trustee member re-appointed by the Trustees to serve a full five-year term expiring on September 29, 2029
Roy Torbert, appointed to a four-year term expiring on September 29, 2025
* On December 17, 2024, founding board member PJ Wilson resigned from his position as trustee, thus opening a vacancy on the Board, which will be filled by the Board of Trustees.
For more information on the Board and its activities, please contact us at info@PRGreenEnergyTrust.org.